Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 6:30am
Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 9:00am

There will be three separate ITS NES datacenter network refresh project changes taking place on the September Infrastructure Day. The first involves the Lindquist datacenter, and the second two will take place at the Information Technology Facility (ITF).

1. Routing will be changed for global-scope and local-scope networks used by ITS Enterprise Infrastructure (EI) managed or hosted servers in the LC datacenter.  This work affects both general and secure server networks. All other LC networks (customer-managed, storage, or non-EI tenants) are not in scope. For each network change, all servers/services on that network will be inaccessible for up to 5 minutes.  Only one network will be changed at a time. If you are unsure if your servers or services are impacted, please contact your ITS EI primary sysadmin/team.

2. The ITF datacenter firewall uplinks will be moved.  This will occur on the non-active hardware first and thus should not incur any downtime due to the redundant nature of the datacenter firewalls.

3. The ITF F5 uplinks will be moved to the new datacenter network fabric.  This will occur on the non-active hardware first and should not incur any downtime due to the redundant nature of the F5.

Last updated: 
Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 9:00am