Request to Add a Resource - request form for a new resource

Request to Remove a Resource - request form to delete an existing resource

A resource is a room or piece of equipment that you schedule instead of a person. Resources are conference rooms, projectors, laptops, etc.  Once a resource has been created, the resource owner can change permissions for the resource and update settings (e.g., scheduling hours, who can schedule, etc.). If you need to add more resource owners, the current owner of the resource should send the request to and request the users (list HawkID's) be added to the security group. 

Delegates are only needed if your resource is NOT set to "automatically accept and decline meeting requests." Microsoft recommends adding no more than two delegates. Delegates are used to manage the resource (accept/decline meeting requests). If you are adding a delegate for the resource, you will need to create a new profile in Outlook first.  

If the resource is set to automatically accept meeting requests, the resource owner would assign permissions to users.  Permissions give users access to the resource such as editing existing meetings, viewing full details, etc.   The default permission to the resource is Free/Busy -- meaning users can see when the resource is available but cannot see details of the meetings.



  1. Login to Outlook on the web with your and HawkID password.
  2. Click the Outlook icon.
  3. Click the picture icon/avatar in the upper right corner and choose Open another mailbox
  4. Type the resource name (e.g., RES-UCC2800) and click Open
  5. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner
  6. Select View all Outlook settings
  7. On the left hand side, select Calendar -> Resource Scheduling
  8. You can see the options for that resource – automatically accept meeting requests, allow conflicts, special scheduling permissions, etc. 
  9. Make your changes and click Save.

Microsoft 365 Calendar Permission Settings

Outlook (Windows)

  1. Open Outlook 
  2. Open the Calendar
  3. Under the list of calendars, you will see "Rooms" - expand that list and select the resource to change (if the resource isn't listed, choose Add Calendar | From Room List | type resource name and select it so it appears in Rooms field and click OK)
  4. Right click on the resource 
  5. Choose Properties
  6. Click the Permissions tab
  7. Click Add 
  8. Type the name of the user you wish to give permissions to (e.g., doe, jane) and click Find.
  9. Select the user and click OK.
  10. Under the "Permission Level", choose the appropriate permissions for the user and click OK.

    Outlook (Mac)

    1. Open Outlook
    2. Open the Calendar.
    3. Press CTRL + click on the calendar.
    4. Choose Sharing Permissions.
    5. Click Add User.
    6. Type the name of the user you wish to give permissions to (e.g., doe, jane) and click Find.
    7. Select the user and click OK.
    8. Under the "Permission Level", choose the appropriate permissions for the user and click OK.

    Outlook on the web

    1. Open Outlook on the web
    2. Login with your and HawkID password.
    3. Click Outlook 
    4. Click the Calendar icon.
    5. Click the picture icon/avatar and choose Open another mailbox
    6. Type the resource name (e.g., RES-UCC2800) and click Open
    7. Right click on the resource calendar
    8. Choose Sharing and Permissions
    9. In the "Enter an email address or contact name" field, type the name or email address of the person to add.  
    10. Click Search People and then click the person's name.
    11. Select the appropriate permissions and click Share
    12. Click the X to close the window


    Outlook on the web

    1. Login to Outlook on the web 
    2. Login with your and HawkID password.
    3. Click the Outlook icon.
    4. Click the picture icon/avatar (in the upper right corner) and choose Open another mailbox
    5. Type the resource name (e.g., RES-UCC2800) and click Open
    6. Switch to view the calendar (from the waffle icon in the upper left)
    7. Right click on the Calendar folder in the Navigation panel on the left
    8. Choose Share Calendar
    9. Add users you want to give delegate permissions to
    10. Set permissions level to Delegate
    11. Click Send
    12. Right click on the Calendar folder in the Navigation panel on the left
    13. Choose Permissions
    14. Set the Send Invitations and Responses to: pick the setting you want from the dropdown menu
    15. Save

    Note:  Some users may need to grant Full permissions first. Save that setting. Then go back in and change it to Delegate.

    Outlook (Windows) 

    NOTE:  you must first create a profile for the resource - see section "Create a Resource Profile in Outlook (Windows)" for instructions

    1. Launch Outlook.
    2. Select the resource profile from the drop-down menu
    3. Click OK
    4. Click the Calendar icon.
    5. Right click on the resource calendar
    6. Select Properties
    7. Select the Permissions tab
    8. A list of users with permissions to the calendar are displayed.
    9. Make your changes and click Save
    10. Click File
    11. Click Account Settings and Delegate Access in the drop-down menu
    12. Click Add and add the desired HawkIDs
    13. Click OK

    "New" Outlook

    1. Launch Outlook 
    2. Choose Tools | Accounts
    3. Select Delegation and Sharing
    4. Select the My Delegates tab.
    5. In the "Delegates who can act on my behalf" field, click the plus (+) sign.
    6. Search for the name of the person
    7. Click Add
    8. Click Done

    Legacy Outlook

    1. Click Tools
    2. Click Accounts and click Advanced...
    3. Click on the Delegates tab
    4. Click the [+] box
    5. Enter the HawkID of the desired delegate and click Add
    6. Click OK

    There are two ways to open the resource:

    Open the resource calendar only

    1. Click Calendar
    2. Click +Add
    3. Click From Room List
    4. Type the name of the resource
    5. Highlight the resource name and click Rooms
    6. Click OK

    The resource will open and display the appointments

    Open the resource to manage the meeting notifications and calendar (use if managing the resource and want to keep all email related to the resource separate from personal mailbox)

    1. Open Outlook
    2. Click the File tab | select Account Settings | select Account Settings
    3. Select your account and click Change
    4. Click More Settings
    5. Click the Advanced tab
    6. Click Add
    7. Type the account name and click Add
    8. Click Ok to close the window.

    The resource will open as a separate mailbox and calendar.

    "New" Outlook

    1. Launch Outlook 
    2. Choose Tools | Accounts
    3. Select Delegation and Sharing
    4. Select the Shared With Me tab.
    5. In the "Open these additional mailboxes" field, click the plus (+) sign.
    6. Search for the name of the resource
    7. Click Add
    8. Click Done

    "Old" Outlook

    1. Open your Calendar
    2. Click Open Shared Calendar
    3. Type the resource name, select it, and click Open

    NOTE:  resources/mailboxes you open in "New" Outlook do not display in "Old" Outlook and vice versa. 


    1. Open Outlook on the web
    2. Login with your and HawkID password
    3. Click the Outlook icon
    4. Click the picture icon/avatar (in the upper right corner) and choose Open another mailbox
    5. Choose Open another mailbox
    6. Type the resource name and click OK (e.g., res-its-test)
    7. The resource account will display and you can manage the calendar.

    A resource could get double booked if the resource owner has given users rights to create appointments directly on the resource mailbox's calendar (e.g., Open A Shared Calendar). This is because no meeting invitation is generated and therefore can't be processed.

    There are very few reasons you should need to create a resource profile.  Most actions can be done opening the resource using OWA - Open another mailbox.

    1. Exit Outlook before proceeding to step 2
    2. Choose Start│Control Panel
    3. Click on the Mail icon
    4. Click Show Profiles icon
    5. Click Add
    6. Enter the name of your resource (ex: RES-LC128A) in the "Profile Name" field
    7. Click OK
    8. Check E-mail Account, and under E-mail Address - type the resource email address.  e.g.:
    9. Leave Password boxes blank
    10. Select Next
    11. After a moment, a box will pop up labeled Windows Security: Mail Application
      ​In the username box (top box),  type your
      In the password box (bottom box), type your HawkID password
    12. Click OK
    13. Check the box labeled "Change account settings"
    14. Click Next
    15. Uncheck "Use Cached Exchange Mode"
    16. Click Finish
    17. Launch Outlook
    18. Select the resource profile from the drop-down menu
    19. Click OK
    Article number: 
    Last updated: 
    January 5, 2024