1. Video output will be stored in a secure data center repository to provide security controls/protection appropriate for sensitive (Level II) information.
  2. Video output will be retained for a minimum 14 days, and up to 90 days, or as necessary to meet specific regulatory requirements. Recordings should be kept no longer than their useful life with exception of images with historical value or those being used for an investigation. Archived copies of video must be stored in a secured location.
  3. Network access to cameras will be restricted. All camera equipment will utilize University private "local scope" IP addresses, and only authorized personnel may access video surveillance equipment.
  4. Access to video output will be on a "need to know" basis to preserve privacy of individuals and activity captured by the service. All persons authorized to access video output will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement; and to complete training on the responsible use of surveillance technology, including technical, legal, and ethical parameters of such use.
  5. Application servers will normally be operated on a 24X7X365 basis, excluding scheduled maintenance
  6. All video recordings must be transmitted over the network using a secure/encrypted network protocol.


Article number: 
Last updated: 
May 19, 2016