There are several methods for distributing a survey in Qualtrics - based on your needs, please determine the most appropriate method for you.  The methods for distributing a survey are:

  • Anonymous Survey Link:  Distributing an anonymous survey link is the easiest way to distribute a survey.  This method allows the survey to be taken by anyone you have shared the link with, and can be distributed via email message, web page and/or social media.  Any responses collected through this link will be anonymous.
  • Email Customized Links:   Using the Qualtrics Mailer to distribute your survey makes it possible to track who has taken your survey, as well as to send out Reminder or Thank You messages.  You may also wish to see the Email History support page for more details about what kind of information is collecting using this method.
  • Purchase Respondents:  Panel studies require you to use the same sample of people every time.  Building a panel in Qualtrics simplifies this process.
  • Additional Distribution Methods:  Other methods for distributing our survey include SMS, Social Media, In-Page Pop-up, and QR Code.

More information and instructions pertaining to these methods can be found here:  Distributions Overview

Note:  Before you can distribute a survey, you will need to active the survey.

Article number: 
Last updated: 
July 14, 2016