Transferring ownership of a survey is often needed when a person is terminating their employment, or student status, here at The University of Iowa.  Requests to transfer a survey may also be needed when a new employee is assuming a position that is being vacated by an existing employee, as they transition to a different department.

To request transfer of survey ownership, written permission from the current survey owner (in other words, the account holder of the survey) must be received first.  This can be done in the form of an email directly to the ITS Help Desk

In a situation where the present survey owner is no longer at the University of Iowa, you should make every effort to obtain their permission before contacting Information Technology Services (ITS).  To comply with our various privacy and security policies, written authorization must come from one of the following if you are unable to reach them:

  • If the owner was an employee or student employee, the person to provide written authorization is the survey owner's previous employment supervisor
  • If the owner was a student only (not student employee), the person to provide written authorization is the student's academic advisor.

Please include the following information in the request, and direct the request to the ITS Help Desk

  1. Present survey owner name
  2. Present survey owner Qualtrics ID (same as the Hawk ID)
  3. Present survey owner email address
  4. Present survey owner phone number
  5. Name of each survey to transfer
  6. *Future survey owner name
  7. *Future survey owner Qualtrics ID:
    (Note: In order for the survey to be transferred, the "future survey owner" must already have a Qualtrics account. If the future survey has never logged into Qualtrics, they must first authenticate to with their Hawk ID and Hawk ID password, and a Qualtrics account will automatically be created for them.)
  8. Future survey owner email address

*In the event that the future survey owner has not started their employment, or the semester they have enrolled is has not started, the permissions to access some services have not begun.  Qualtrics, like other services, should be available the first day of employment or the first day of the semester.

Upon completion of the ownership transfer a confirmation email will be sent to all parties.


Related Content: To transfer surveys to a user outside of the UI, please see the following ITS Support Article.

Article number: 
Last updated: 
April 18, 2023