You can add up to three different slideshows to a sign. You need to first add your slide (aka image file) to the system. Then you need to add the slide to the slideshow on the sign.
Add a Slide to the System
- In your groups main page, click "+ Slide."
- Add a "Title" of your slide.
- Under "Slide Content" choose "Browse" to browse for the slide you want to upload.
- Files must be less than 2 MB.
- Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg.
- Images must be larger than 1920x1080 pixels.
- Click Next.
- Enter in the "Alt Text."
- Choose the "Image Ratio" of the image you just uploaded.
- Take the dimension (1920x1080) and divide within each other (1920/1080)
- 16:9 = 1.77777
- 16:10 = 1.6
- Take the dimension (1920x1080) and divide within each other (1920/1080)
- Under "Sign Group" you can choose which areas you have rights to that can also use this image.
- Check "Share with All users" if you want anyone who has a sign in Drupal to be able to use your image.
- Click Save.
Add a Slide to a Slideshow
- Go to the sign you want to add a slide to.
- Choose the Edit Tab
- Add your slides to the appropriate slide show by clicking on "Add new slide" or "Add existing slide."
- Add new slide: For when you haven't added the slide (image) to the system yet.
- Add existing slide: For when the slide (image) is in the system already.