Here is some helpful information when it comes to adding new slides to the system. 

The Basics

  • Slides should be 1920 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high (16:10 ratio), with a resolution should be set to 72 pixels per inch. If you have a non-standard layout, contact for your specific size requirements.
  • Capture their attention with a single image or graphic.
  • Keep text to a minimum. Make sure the text is large enough to read.
  • Include informative Alt Text on ALL images.
  • Avoid poor color combinations.
  • Include short URLs for finding additional information if needed.
  • Include the Accessibility Statement on all pertinent slides.

What Does That All Mean?

  • Slides should be 1920 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high (16:10 ratio). The resolution should be set to 72 pixels per inch (if using Photoshop or comparable product) because the maximum the web can display is 72ppi.  Remember the signage system only accepts images (jpg, jpeg, gif, or png) that are set between 800x800 and 2000x2000 in size.
  • NOTE: 99% of the displays in the digital signage system will use this size. If you have a special layout set on your display (such as the Full Screen layout), this size may be different. Please feel free to contact UI-Signage@uiowedu if you have one of these special layouts, and we will be happy to assist.
  • Capture the audience’s attention with a single quality image or graphic. A collage of images can often be a detriment by creating too much background “noise”. The audience is trying to absorb both the images and the content in a short amount of time.
  • Text included on slides should be kept to a minimum and large enough to see from a distance. Stick to the basics; who/what, where, when and why. For instance, “Check out our upcoming event!”, “On the Pentacrest”, “November 1st, 2017”, “This event includes free pizza, games, and will be the best event, EVER!”. This digital signage platform is a mechanism for quick information as people pass by the display. Most people will not spend enough time in front of the display to read the entire biography of a Visiting Lecturer slide, so try to avoid too much text.
  • Be cognizant of how your slides appear to low or no vision users. This includes adding informative Alt Text to all images. If you have text on your slide, it needs to be included in the Alt Text along with a brief description of any images on the slides. Think: If you couldn’t see the slide, how would someone describe it to you?
  • Stick to either dark text on light background or vice versa. Avoid color combinations that will limit those with color-blindness from properly viewing your slide.
  • If you want the audience to find additional information, include a short (easy to remember) URL for them to find that information. For instance, “Questions? Visit” or “For more information, go to and search ‘Graduation’”. The audience will not have enough time to take a picture or write down a long URL before the slideshow moves on.
  • Make sure your slide includes the Accessibility Statement if required. Usually this includes all slides detailing events, courses, programs, etc. If you are in doubt, include it. This can be included at the bottom of the slides under the main content. An example of the accessibility statement is found in the University’s Ops Manual: "Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact (insert: the sponsoring department or contact person) in advance at (insert: telephone number)." 
Article number: 
Last updated: 
November 9, 2022