You can opt-out of certain mass mailings depending on your status with the university. See Mass Email Filter Settings
Students can opt-out of certain Mass Mail messages by setting their Email Account Filter options in MyUI. To do this, log into MyUI and then navigate to My UIowa > Student Information > Email Tools > Email Account Filter or opening Mass Email Filter Settings
Initially, each student is subscribed to all categories of mass mailings. The MyUI option panel allows students to opt-out of any category of Mass Mail that they do not wish to receive (except for mailings from the University Administration, USG & GPSG regarding important issues).
If you still wish to receive the mailings but not in your Inbox, you can create a rule to move them to a different folder in Outlook. Massmail messages include a category keyword in the Subject line that can be used to create a rule. For example, to filter mailings with a category of Non-Academic Student Organizations, you can create a rule for "[NonAcadStudOrg]".
For more information on creating rules, see How to Filter/Setup Rules for E-Mail Messages
Faculty & Staff
Faculty and staff may opt-out of certain Mass Mail categories. They may set their preferences in Employee Self Service under My Self Service > Settings > Mass Email Filter Settings or opening Mass Email Filter Settings Select your choices from there and click Update My Massmail Preferences. This option allows faculty/staff to opt-out of any category of mass mail that they do not wish to receive (except for mailings from the University Administration, USG & GPSG regarding important issues).
If you still wish to receive the mailings but not in your Inbox, you can create a rule to move them to a different folder in Outlook. Massmail messages include a category keyword in the Subject line that can be used to create a rule. For example, to filter mailings sent on behalf of Departmental Information, add a Subject line rule for "[DeptInfo]".
For more information on creating rules, see How to Filter/Setup Rules for E-Mail Messages.