For Mac users:

  1. Click the Apple logo on the top left of the screen.
  2. Select "System Preferences".
  3. Select "Network" under the "Internet and Network" section.
  4. Select which connection you'd like to check in the "Show" drop-down menu.
  5. If connected via Ethernet, select "Built In Ethernet".
  6. If you have a wireless network, select "AirPort".
  7. Select "TCP/IP" on the "Network" screen. The IP Address will be shown here.

For PC users:

  1. Click the Start button in the lower left corner
  2. Type cmd and hit Enter
  3. A black command window with white text will open, type ipconfig and hit enter
  4. Several lines will scroll by, so scroll back to the top, if necessary
  5. If connected via Ethernet, under the Ethernet adapter heading, your IP address will be listed to the right of IPv4 Address.
  6. If connected via a wireless network, under the wireless LAN adapter heading, the IP address will be listed to the right of IPv4 Address.
  7. IP addresses will always be in the format of 4 sets of up to 3 numbers separated by periods (.) for example:
  8. If you are on campus, the first set of numbers must be 128 or 129.  If the first set of numbers (octet) is anything else, you are not connected to the campus network.
  9. Close the command window with the X in the upper right corner or by typing exit and enter.


Article number: 
Last updated: 
October 11, 2017